Just some random things I've been up to...
I have the best classmates. Most of the time I eat lunch from home, but sometimes we make other plans.
Sometimes we go to the mall to the food court, sometimes we go to Top Dog to get delicious completos.
Sometimes we go to the mall and buy food in the grocery store.
And sometimes, we have to try on bunny ears in the process.
Sometimes we go to the mall and buy food in the grocery store.
And sometimes, we have to try on bunny ears in the process.
Once a month, there is a parent's meeting with the head lady in charge of my class. It was at 7 and so on that day, I just stayed with a group of classmates and waited. We sat there and talked and laughed.
Fernanda and Nico!
One Saturday, we decided we'd go blackberry picking. My dad's house from growing up is really big and has a lot of land with it. In the 2010 (8.8) it was destroyed and his family abandoned the house. Still standing, but unlivable. But on the land they have a lot of blackberry bushes. So we went out there with buckets to get some blackberries to make jam with!
The house:
But when we go there, they were dried out! So we only got these:
All the dry weather we've been having has dried them out. Sadd.... But we got some grapes!
Every week my Rotary club has a weekly meeting and once a month I get invited. And this time they asked me to give a PowerPoint about me. So I took the one I made before I came, translated it into Spanish, and revised it. About Ironwood, the weather, my family, and hobbies. I was nervous before, but when I got up there, it went away. I felt so great. I know my Spanish wasn't perfect, but I didn't have to THINK about what I was saying! I've gotten to the point where I don't think in english when I'm talking. I don't have to think of what I want to say in English and then translate it word for word. It's fantastic. So it went super well and a few Rotarians stayed after and were asking me questions. Yay!
Have I ever said that I have some good friends at at school? Well I do.
A few random pictures in class.
With Javier. He's hilarious and reminds me of Benjamin a lot.
With Javier, SofĂa, and Pelao.
My friends love to do my hair in school. This is one of the masterpieces Romina whipped up.
Pablo y Nico:
Romina!AnnaMarie recently sent me a package mostly comprised of Mike and Ikes. A while ago, my Rotary counselor Ernesto asked for my family to send him them. So AnnaMarie sent 10 boxes or so. I've been bringing them to school to share with friends and they love them! They're good, because they're one candy that you can't find here, unlike skittles and snickers.
She also sent Hot Tamales. I personally hate them... But they conveniently have the same shape as the beloved Mike and Ikes that everyone loves. I did warn them though that they were NOT the same. They did not enjoy them at all. hahaha. It just so happened that some people from my class tried them and hated them, and then took them to share with the other two classes of the seniors. Then I got looks the rest of the day like "what kind of terrible person are you?! and is that the only kind of candy you have there?!" hahaha. It was entertaining.
In Biology, we had a project on DNA. I was in a group of 6 people. We had to research about a group of scientists and tell about how they contributed to the discovery of DNA. I researched about Erwin Chargaff. And this is how it turned out! The projects here seen more creative than in the US...
A long time ago, Dad sent me mac and cheese. and one day for lunch, Jessica and I had some. It was so good and she liked it a lot.
Nothin' like pan amasado and mac and cheese. <3
I have lots more random things, but I'll leave it here for now!
Oh, Christy, I still miss you as much as ever! I love all your posts! And I'm so excited for you on your Spanish--that is such a huge accomplishment! Live it up! You are amazing! And I can't tell you how glad I am that you have such wonderful friends. ***BIG SQUEEZE FOR YOU*** I love you!