On the day before my birthday Dad set up a Google hangout session and Dad, AnnaMarie and her family, Michael and his, Marianne and William, and Abbey came on to say hi. That was great. We talked for an hour and a half about everything! The kids are getting SO big! Aiden and Jack can now say something resembling Christy. So that's exciting!
My actual birthday was absolutely fantastic! And chalk full (chalk full??? what does that even mean?) of surprises.
So I woke up and got ready. My family said happy birthday and Jessica got me a pretty scarf and a pen. Then we got off to school.
Everyone in my class knew it was my birthday and every single one of my 42 classmates greeted. ;) we were outside the classroom waiting for the teacher and thy sang happy birthday to me loudly. :D
Chile gave me a present! An earthquake! When they talk about earthquakes here there are two different degrees. A temblor and a terremoto. A temblor is a short one thy doesn't really do damage. And a terremoto ia a big one. We had just started class when everything started shaking. That was he longest one I've felt and it lasted for about 5 or 8 seconds. We evacuated the room and all the students me in the center courtyard. But everything was good and we were back to class.
Throughout the day they sang to me in class.
In class with Romina:
At the first recreo, Romina have me a bracelet with elephants on it. And Rodrigo gave me chocolate. Natalia gave me a cutely decorated box with a dream catcher inside. And they promised a surprise for the afternoon.
Romina and Paula:
Natalia and Carolina:
Eating some coconut cookies:
Romina, Paula, Rodrigo, Carolina, Leo, Valery, and Natalia:
Michelle, Carolina, Lobos, Natalia, Romina, and Leo.
In the second recreo Carolina gave me a bracelet and this: Super pretty wooden house that plays music!
Unfortunately, that day was gym day. And we take it right before lunch. So we worked hard in gym. (So much more work than in the US.) and after that, we gathered up a group and we went to the mall for lunch. I got a pizza and had a great time talking with my lovely friends.
The class we had when we got back was orientation hour. Just a time with our class Jefe (The main Mrs. Kanipes-like lady). She assigned us an assignment and then she said 'and now I need to talk to a student about their problem' and 'Christy go to the hall please'.
We walked down the hall and sat on a bench and talked. We talked all about my family (here and there) and how I've been doing. And I was feeling super good about my Spanish when she told me that it had improved a ton. That what I love to hear!
By that time I knew something was up... And when we went back to the classroom and the classroom was transformed. Everyone of my amazing friends were there smiling and gauging my response.
I got crowned with a balloon hat by Nico.
Rodrigo came up and gave me a beautiful boutique of flowers.
Rodrigo and I: He's really the best friend I could ask for here.
Lots of flower pictures. Stay with me.
Nico and I:
Pablo and Nico:
Group pictures!
And Ariel came up and he gave me a present from the class which was a pretty blue scarf. And then we started in on the cake. I honestly didn't know what to say!
Leo and I with our cake!
We ate some cake and they gave me two pieces. But that, later on, turned out to be a bad idea. As we were getting things back together to start class I asked if I could hand out some candy and she said yes. She asked me if I wanted to talk and I said uhhh sure!
And so I stood at the front of the class and explained that my sister had asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I hadn't known. So I asked for something for my classmates. And I told them how big of a part of my life they are. (Followed by an "awwwwwww!" from my audience)
And so I stood at the front of the class and explained that my sister had asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I hadn't known. So I asked for something for my classmates. And I told them how big of a part of my life they are. (Followed by an "awwwwwww!" from my audience)
And then I handed out the ring pops! They liked them ;)
Some behind the scenes pictures. I love having friends who like taking pictures... (Fernanda and Leo).
After my little party was over, we had the rest of school and I took the bus home. It was super duper crowded because it was 5. And I had gift bags, flowers, and a back pack to carry. But I made it!
When I got home I started packing a little bit for the North trip. And I got to open the greatly anticipated pile of presents from Caroline, AnnaMarie, and the kids.
Soon, my mom called me out and they had decorated the dining room with balloons and had my cake there. And so they dimmed the lights and sang to me. It was so perfect.
I'm so happy to call these wonderful women my family. Jessica and my mom.
I had talked to my old mom earlier and she said she would come by and drop off some paperwork I needed for the North trip.
Just as we had finished eating, Debora (old mom) called my mom and said that she was outside the house and wanted to talk. I was kind of worried... After five minutes or so, my mom came in and turned off the lights and Debora, Sergio, and Vivien came through the door with another cake!! It was such a surprise and so, so, so sweet of them. We talked with them for awhile and Debora gave me this cute blue leather purse that I'm in love with. And then they left us to talk for a bit. And eventually I got to bed!
My third cake and fourth piece of cake of the day :)
Being 17 is great and it'll be a fantastic year. Full of surprises, changes, difficulties, and big events! Yay!
I had such a great day. I felt so very loved. I received a ridiculous amount of facebook messages, emails, and in person hugs. Flowers, presents, cake, cake, and more cake! Thank you for everyone who helped make my day special. It's definitely a birthday I won't forget!
I love that you had such a special day! You deserve it! Everyone loves you because you're you!
ReplyDeleteChock-full. Middle English chokkefull, probably from choken to choke + full
ReplyDeleteFirst Known Use: 15th century. From Tyler.