Saturday the 21st:
I don't have many pictures for today yet (todavía!) because for most of the day, they said to put away our cameras and just enjoy the day. But the photographer took plenty.
I don't have many pictures for today yet (todavía!) because for most of the day, they said to put away our cameras and just enjoy the day. But the photographer took plenty.
They gave us time to sleep in, and then we went shopping for a bit.
We met up as a group and went to Rancho W. And it was a place out in the woods and we did a bunch of different team building activities.

We started our by having the introduction and then dancing for a bit.
Then we had a break and had some juice and cookies.
Then we went outside and split into two teams. We did some weird clapping thing. Like a Simon says thing.
Then each team had to pick 5 girls and 5 boys to do an obstacle course. Of course I got picked. :P
So I did it and got pretty dirty (sucia!). It wasn't very long. Going down a steep slide, crawling through tires, crossing bridges, and stuff. My team lost, but it was fun. After that, we did another race. One with running to a pole and spinning 10 times with your head on it. Ooft. I can't run after that. Hahaha. But I did ok. And our team won it.
Next, there was a really big wooden pole. The guys had to climb it without help and the girls could have 3 others to help them. The guys also got extra points for taking off clothes. huh. hahahha. So there were a couple shirtless (sin poleta!) ones. A few people were picked from each team. And guess who was the first girl picked? That's right, it was ME! Hahaha. I got pretty high just because I'm tall. I wasn't able to actually climb very high because my shoes could grip it.

Next, there was a really big wooden pole. The guys had to climb it without help and the girls could have 3 others to help them. The guys also got extra points for taking off clothes. huh. hahahha. So there were a couple shirtless (sin poleta!) ones. A few people were picked from each team. And guess who was the first girl picked? That's right, it was ME! Hahaha. I got pretty high just because I'm tall. I wasn't able to actually climb very high because my shoes could grip it.

So that was fun. And then every girl after me, picked me to be a supporter. There's something about being a tall, blonde, athletic girl...

Next up was fighting! They had pads and the weapon was a sack with stuffing. And yep, I got picked again. But I lost. People were disappointed. But it was the bridge that got me. It was super wobbly and I got off balance when I swung. When I fell into the safety net I cut up my knees and they bled a bit. So I went and found a bathroom. Battle scars. But it was fun!
We took a break and walked to the lake. It was so nice and a lot of us took our shoes off and went in.
It was a hot afternoon and so we were all ready for lunch. We had an asado (barbecue). It was good. :) A picture from the lunch table.

After eating too much for lunch, we put on sweatshirts and went to the fire. There was a speaker of which I actually understood almost everything!! We had a deep talk about how much parents, grand parents, and siblings do for us. And finally he talked about how this trip is a once in a lifetime experience with the people we have grown up with. Classmates. All the memories we have and to appreciate how much we support each other. For me, I haven't grown up with my classmates and in reality, I've only known them for four months, but these 40-some incredible Chileans have taken me in. I have a bond with them that will last my whole life. I'm so grateful for them and their kindness. And so after that discussion we all hugged and shouted "te quiero!!" It was such a great experience.

And after that, we headed to the disco acuática!
It was a big swimming pool, but it want quite as deep. They played loud music and we danced and talked. It was so refreshing! We were in there, for a long time. I think it was like three hours. At 11:30 or so everyone wanted to leave, so we grouped together and went back to the hotel. We spent the next 4 or 5 hours hanging around people's hotel rooms. I was feeling some weird effects from all the chlorine. I felt like how I imagine it is to be drunk. And it didn't help that I was around other people who had been drinking. So that was weird. My friends thought it was pretty funny when I said that I felt like I was drunk (borracha!). But it was a good night! I got to sleep at 5 or 6.
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